Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 qualities of a good "team player"

Wanna be a great team player and YAC member?  Read these qualities and find out how to become a more effective member of your YAC!  

Good YAC members are:

1.  Communicators:
     YAC members should share their thoughts and ideas by being open-minded and respectful.  They should not be condescending.  Everyone has different opinions that should be heard!  Listen to each other and find the most effective solution to the problems in your community as a team.   

2.  Committed:
     The relationship you have to your YAC should be a committed one.  Think of your YAC group as a machine with many different parts:  all of these parts are very valuable and have a distinct purpose.  If one of these parts is missing, how is the machine supposed to run effectively?  If you miss YAC meetings, the group will not be effective.  Stay committed and open your schedule to the great things YAC has to offer!

3.  Active:
     YAC members should take an active and engaged role in their YAC group.  Whether or not you are an officer, you should always participate in discussions and activities so you can get your voice out there and so others can hear a different perspective.  Think of it this way:  the more you get involved the more fun you will have!
4.  Responsible:
     Responsibility is key when becoming a YAC member.  You represent the community and you have funds to give out to people in need.  If you aren't responsible with the position you are in as a YACer, how do you expect wonderful things to happen in your community?!  Be conscientious in your decision making as a group and make sure you are spending the money and time you have in positive ways.

5.  Positive:
     There is nothing worse than a wet blanket (i.e. a negative person who is determined not to have a good time) in a group.  Don't be that person!  You have the power to choose how you act towards others and how different things affect you.  So leave the attitude at the door and be a team player!  If you stay positive no one will even be able to accuse you of being a damp washcloth.  

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