Want a great reason to stay connected to YAC’s across Arkansas?
Two words: Fundraising Ideas!
Last year the Pine Bluff YAC members decided to shake things up a bit for their fundraising campaign. They held a talent show of Youth Acting Crazy to help build their funds for the year. “The talent in the room was immense!” recalls Bren Hipp, a YAC member of Pine Bluff. “We had singers, dancers, poets and even a full band.” Bren is heading up the planning committee for this year’s talent show and his fellow YAC members are super pumped to start working!
So Bren, what did you guys do to get the word out about the show?
“We advertised through schools, local dance studios, Facebook and word of mouth. One of our members created some outstanding fliers for distribution.”
How did you get all of the materials to host this kind of event?
“The Arts and Science Center of Pine Bluff loaned their facility to us free of charge and the Trophy House of Pine Bluff donated trophies to support our cause! We charged an entry fee for guests and we collected donations [some of this money helped offset the cost of posters and fliers] but we didn’t have to pay out of pocket very much at all.”
How successful would you say the show was?
“We raised approximately $500 from the show and had about 50 people from the community come to support us!”
What are you guys planning to do this year to make the talent show even better?
“This year we plan to start earlier advertisement and organization for the show to attract more performers. We've spoken with the Arts Center director and she is letting us use the facility free of charge again this year! Our talent show is geared toward raising money to issue grants to better our community. It's a great feeling to have help and interest from other organizations as well as the support from our advisors Chris Castoro and Mattie Collins.”
There you have it. All it takes to put on a spectacular performance is planning in advance and a pumped up crew to help get things rolling for a great cause! (And maybe a few donations from local businesses- but how easy is it to get those things?! Ask and you shall receive my friends.) Want more details or still have questions? Comment on this post or e-mail us at yac@arcf.org. We’ll get you on track.